At Newnham Infant and Nursery School we aim to provide the children with a high quality Computing curriculum in order for them to be confident and independent in using and applying technology skills to support and extend their learning. We want the children to gain life-skills that will enable them to understand the function and purpose of computer science. Our aim is for children to be digitally literate as well as developing their creativity, resilience and problem solving skills.
Children at Newnham Infant and Nursery School have regular access to a range of technology, including iPads, visualisers, desktop computers and interactive SMART whiteboards allowing them to continually practice and improve the skills they have learnt. Each class also uses Class Dojo where children, parents and teachers can share information. Children often like to share pictures or videos of what they have done over the weekend or during the holidays. This can then also be easily shared in the classroom environment.
At Newnham Infant and Nursery School we take internet safety extremely seriously. Our policy provides guidance about how to use the internet safely. The children begin to understand how to stay safe when using technology and are taught to report inappropriate behaviours to a trusted adult. Children participate in e-safety lesson however it is also taught discreetly throughout the year.
Please click on the document below to discover what the KS1 National Curriculum expectations are:
Please find the Key Stage 1 Progression Map below: