Science Curriculum Intent
At Newnham Infant School, we recognise the importance of Science within the world around us from Early Years to KS1. In line with the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum, our teaching is focused on developing pupils' knowledge and understanding and encouraging the development of key scientific skills.
The children are encouraged to develop a natural curiosity about the world around them and ask questions, recognising that they can be answered in different ways. Children begin to use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions before gathering and recording data to help them when answering questions. Practical opportunities are encouraged to ensure that scientific skills and knowledge are experienced through observing, predicting, estimating, enquiry, testing, comparing, experimenting, investigating, problem solving and collaborating.
Science Curriculum Implementation
Science is taught through specific subject lessons with cross curricular links when possible. Activities are planned to cover the relevant key science skills and knowledge for each year group, with particular importance placed on children working practically so that they can make discoveries for themselves. The children are encouraged work collaboratively during Science lessons in line with our belief that all children can learn from one another.
As a school, we participate annually in ‘British Science Week’, linked to a different theme each year. This gives the children further opportunities to develop scientific enquiry through investigations, experiments and observations. This will also develop their scientific thinking and vocabulary. We use this week as an opportunity to promote new scientific concepts to widen their scientific knowledge.