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Newnham Infant & Nursery School

To be the best that we can be

Our Curriculum Impact

Curriculum Impact: Are we making a difference?


At Newnham Infant and Nursery School, we look at the whole child when it comes to measuring the impact of our curriculum.

Our children:

  • Are inquisitive, curious, adventurous, caring, ambitious and unique

  • Are both independent and able to work collaboratively

  • Feel valued, safe and listened to

  • Have equal opportunities to succeed

  • Show kindness, fairness and respect to others

  • Develop resilience and understand that they can learn from their mistakes

  • Have good behaviour for learning

  • Are successful and engaged learners who achieve good outcomes

  • Are ready for their next stage of learning


The curriculum design ensures that the needs of individual and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high quality first teaching, supported by targeted, proven interventions where appropriate. In this way it can be seen to impact in a very positive way on children’s outcomes.


Enjoyment of the curriculum promotes achievement, confidence and positive learning behaviour. Children feel safe and motivated to try new things. Developing their independence and motivation as learners and their sense of responsibility as future citizens is at the heart of all our teaching and learning.


High quality visits and visitors to the school, workshops and themed days and weeks, local and further afield school trips enhance the curriculum and provide opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge, for example writing for a purpose. Children have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners through school-based exhibitions, performances, competitions and events.


Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review and the celebration of good practice contributes to the ongoing commitment to evolve and improve further. All subject leaders are encouraged to develop their own skills and understanding, so they can support curriculum development and their colleagues throughout the school.


We measure the impact of our curriculum through:

  • Outcomes - Progress made from their individual starting points

  • Outcomes – Attainment against expected outcomes throughout the year and at the end of each year

  • Pupil Voice - Conversations with children that demonstrate they know, can do and remember more than they did before

  • Monitoring  - book looks to see the work children do, feedback and their response to the learning

  • Monitoring – learning walks to see how the curriculum and specific subjects are being taught across the school

  • Monitoring – moderation discussions with local schools

  • Monitoring – subject leaders have dedicated time to monitor the teaching, learning, progress and effectiveness of their subject

  • Learning Environment - is safe, vibrant and language rich, where everybody is valued and diversity is celebrated

Newnham Infant & Nursery SchoolNewnham Avenue, Eastcote, Ruislip Middlesex, HA4 9RW